dental cleaning

Why you need a family dentist


Family dentists deal with oral health issues at all stages of life i.e. their services cover the oral health needs of children and adults alike. If you are looking for a dental care center for your family, consider finding one with a family dentist.

Here are some of the levels and forms of oral care that family dentists focus on:

  1. Prevention of tooth decay and other oral problems
  2. Early detection and prediction of future problems
  3. Treatments such as pulp therapy and periodontal disease treatment
  4. Advice on updates, new therapies, and equipment

Why you need a family dentist

Family dentistry ensures the oral care needs of your entire family are entrusted with the same person. That comes with a few advantages. For one, it saves you a great deal of time as you can schedule appointments for your whole family at around the same time. Also, the confidence and comfort levels of your children will increase being treated by the same dentist who treats their parents. This, in turn, will bring about openness, which is important in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions.

What treatments do family dentists offer?

Family dentists have all the education and skills of general dentists, and can offer the following:

  1. Teeth cleaning services
  2. Dental examinations
  3. Fillings
  4. Crown treatments
  5. Dental bonding
  6. Teeth whitening

Looking For A Family Dentist?

Having a family dentist you can call on for checkups and during emergencies is the perfect way to ensure your family is protected from potential oral health issues. If you are in Bakersfield and would like a long-term long term relationship with a family dentist, consider Columbus Family Dentistry. Call us at Columbus Family Dentistry to enquire about our services and connect with our family dentist.