routine dental exam

Benefits of Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining dental hygiene. Dental hygiene is the practice of keeping the teeth and gums free of decay and debris through home care and professional cleanings. If plaque and other debris are left unattended, they can cause dental problems like gum disease and cavities. Proper and timely dental care can …

dental crowns

New Patient Exam: What to Expect

Your first visit dental visit is very important for you and your dentist. As you get to know your new dentist, we will also be reviewing your previous dental history and discussing any concerns you may have about your oral health or that of your kids and teens. The objective of the new patient exam …

dental crowns

Top 3 Teeth Whitening Procedures

Stained and discolored teeth can be a major cause of discomfort and low self-esteem. If you’re self-conscious about the dark shade on some of your teeth, consider teeth whitening. We have discussed below three of the most popular teeth whitening procedures. Find out the one that suits your case best. #1 – Use of gels …

routine dental exam

How do I know I need dental filling?

Tooth decay can badly wreck your smile and lower your self-confidence. Worse about the problem is that you may never be able to prevent it even with a meticulous oral hygiene routine as some biological and lifestyle factors will still make your teeth vulnerable to it. Dental filling restores your tooth to full function and …

top rated dentist

Choosing A General Dentist in 3 Easy Steps

Choosing a general dentist to take care of your dental needs should be done with great care and thoughtfulness as wrong choices can have dire consequences. We have prepared a three 3-step guide that you may find helpful in your pursuit for a new dentist. Step #1 – Ask about their qualifications Rationally, you would …

dental crowns

4 Times You Will Need A Dental Crown

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped prosthetic device that is used as a cap to cover a damaged tooth and improve its appearance. Dental crowns are made of different materials including stainless steel, porcelain, and ceramic mimic. The material used to make a dental crown may partly influence the results you get both aesthetically and …

cosmetic dentistry

5 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Save Your Smile

Cosmetic dentistry is growing popular by the day as more and more people are beginning to realize that they actually have options when it comes to improving their smile. Thanks to the great reception, the subspecialty is also evolving, and now virtually every imaginable dental imperfection has a treatment. To help you get a better …

dental crowns

Signs That You need Root Canal

A root canal is a treatment to save a dead tooth. It involves removal of the pulp and nerves in the internal canals of your tooth and is considered a permanent solution to serious tooth decay and the pain that comes with it. Signs that you need a root canal You could be a candidate …

dental cleaning

Why you need a family dentist

  Family dentists deal with oral health issues at all stages of life i.e. their services cover the oral health needs of children and adults alike. If you are looking for a dental care center for your family, consider finding one with a family dentist. Here are some of the levels and forms of oral …

general dentist in baksersfield

Welcome to our Dental Blog!

General Dentist in Bakersfield At Columbus Family Dentistry, we are committed to ensuring your mouth is in excellent condition. We make this possible by offering a variety of procedures that share one common goal: Improving the health of your mouth. At Columbus Family Dentistry, we value expertise, innovation, and results. That’s why our staff is …